Neurosequential Model for Education

What is Neurosequential Model for Education?

The NeurosequentialModel for Education (NME) is a practice for developing healthy brains in children. It promotes healthy brain development in children by incorporating and applying the latest neurobiology research to the classroom.

The Neurosequential Model for Education is an overarching framework for informing Interventions that support children with various social and developmental challenges. It provides a framework for understanding the sequencing of events and activities that can assist in restoring the natural processes of development that may have been impaired through experience or injury.


NME is based on decades or research highlighting the sequential and hierarchical. This principle is built on the understanding that early childhood experiences set complex behaviours. Early experiences build the developing brain of the child, it can either build in a manner that supports healthy social functioning and learning or build in a way that is primarily protective of the organism in which the child inhabits.

NME is not a stand-alone Intervention, rather a Framework that can be applied to optimise the efficacy of Interventions. However, its goals are to support faculty members and students through the lens of Neuro-sequential development. Teachers learn to understand the unique needs of children with the help of NME and can learn to adapt it and apply it to the curriculum in creative and unique ways. This way, educators can help children fulfill their potential by adopting NME.

How Does Neurosequential Model for Education Work?

NME is a holistic approach that considers various factors impacting a child’s brain. These include the environment, past experiences, and relationships.

By using the NME approach, educators can better assess a child’s developmental level and factors that can impact this both in the classroom and the yard. NME may include strategies like:

NME works based on three different components:

How Does Neurosequential Model for Education Help?

NME helps children in multiple ways, some of which are as follows:

NME starts with putting the safety of the children AND Teachers first. Once a child feels safe, there is a high chance of being engaged and alert in the program. Using NME can support both Teachers and Students to better make use of sensory breaks and how to re-engage with content after a sensory break. 

Learn More about Neurosequential Model for Education

Stem Family Health specialises in working with education providers to promote NME. To learn more about the Neurosequential Model for Education, contact us.

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