LEGO® Based Therapy

LEGO® Based Therapy Group

‘Brains and Bricks’ program is a LEGO® Based Therapy social skills group and is specifically for children who experience difficulties with communication, social development, anxiety, and depression, due to ASD.

Runs during school term – 10-week program.

Some children or young people that require intensive supports may require a staged introduction which can be catered for individually.

Three separate age groups.
Ages 5 – 7 years, 8 – 11 years and 12 -15 years.

LEGO® Based Play Therapy


LEGO® based therapy is a social development program that has been developed to support people with Autism. Part of the symptomatology of Autism is miscuing and misinterpreting social cues which can leave people with Autism increasingly socially isolated which then flows into all areas of health. LEGO based therapy was created by Pediatric Neuropsychologist Dr Daniel LeGoff in consultation with Dr Simon Baron Cohen who has been researching Autism and aspects of it for decades. 

What is understood through research as well as the lived experience of those with ASD or those supporting someone with it, is that there is a service gap in social supports that have been developed with the strengths and potentials that are common to many children and young people with ASD in mind. Neuroscience has provided a string evidence for its use and efficacy in supporting the social development of children and young people with ASD traits.

One experience that is common to so many families with a member with ASD is that there is a limit to social groups that cater to the unique strengths of the Autistic brain that is not computer based or utilizes a large group format that limits that capacity for the development of healthy relationships. LEGO based therapy is very structured and thus does not pose such a challenge to the child as requiring ASD children to negotiate open ended conversation and building relationships in a way that does not cater for their arousal states and unique communication needs.



The LEGO® logo, SERIOUS PLAY®, Imaginopedia™, the Minifigure and the Brick and Knob configurations are trademarks of the LEGO® Group, which does not sponsor, authorise, or endorse this service or website.

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